
Falck wins new fire contract in Bornholm

Falck will continue to provide fire services to Bornholm's Regional Municipality in the coming six years.

Apr 15, 2021 00:00 CET

The new agreement contains several new initiatives regarding personnel and equipment. Among other things, a number of vehicles will be replaced, new state-of-the-art battery-powered release equipment will be introduced, and all firefighters will receive new fire suits that reduce the individual firefighter's exposure to harmful particles during operation. In addition, the agreement also includes an educational upgrade of the firefighters.

“It is with great joy and humility that Falck will continue to be responsible for this important task on Bornholm. Falck has delivered firefighting services from the station in Nexø since 1972 and in Rønne since 2014 where Falck took over the municipal part of the firefighting. Today, a very high quality is delivered at both stations. That is only possible due to a good cooperation with Bornholms Regional Municipality, characterised by a great openness and mutual trust,” says Fire Chief Bendt Trustrup.  

The new contract will run until end of April 2027 with a possible extension of 2x2 years.

Business unit Fire services

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