Corporate governance

The framework governing our business

Falck’s Management consistently monitors corporate governance with a view to ensuring that the Group is managed in a manner compliant with national and international legislation, and that it meets the expectations of its stakeholders and applies high levels of transparency and compliance.

The ultimate authority of Falck lies with the shareholders who exercise their rights at the Annual General Meeting. Here, the shareholders elect members to the Board of Directors and appoint the independent auditors. Falck has a two-tier management system consisting of a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee. The two bodies do not have overlapping members.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee strive to ensure transparency and accountability by building trusting relationships with shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and the local communities in which Falck operates.

The Board of Directors has established two committees to support the Board of Directors in its decision-making: An Audit Committee and a Remuneration and Nomination Committee. These committees are responsible for preparing decisions and recommendations for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors. 

See the charters for the two committees here

Comply or explain analysis

The Board of Directors regularly reviews the Group’s corporate governance framework and policies in relation to the Group’s activities, business environment and the corporate governance recommendations. The Comply or explain analysis on corporate governance provides an overview of Falck's position on each of the Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance.

Setting the strategic direction

Meet our Board of Directors

Management and daily operation

Meet our Executive Management

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